This version is DEPRECATED, v2.03 is the latest version
The IATI standard consists of a number of schema, the main ones being Organisation and Activity.
Summary tables of the Activity Schema and of the Organisation Schema are also available.
Core Schema
The current suite IATI XML schemas consists of the following components:
iati-organisations-schema.xsd - XML schema for describing an organisation involved in any stage development cooperation (funding, implementing etc.).
iati-activities-schema.xsd - XML Schema for describing the details of individual development cooperation activities/projects.
Supplementary Schema
In addition to the Organisation and Activity. core terms are described in the following:
iati-common.xsd - A supplementary schema with common IATI markup. Must be in the same directory as the Organisation and Activity schema.
xml.xsd - A supplementary schema that must be in the same directory as the Organisation and Activity schema.
Metadata Schema
The Registry Record provides a common format for the reporting of metadata to the IATI Registry.
Please note: Usage of this schema is not mandatory.
iati-registry-record-schema.xsd - An application-specific extension schema for importing documents into the IATI registry
Updates to IATI Schema
The IATI standard is a living entity that requires improvement over time.
A CHANGES.txt - provides a comprehensive change log.
Previous schemas
Previous versions of the IATI Schema are available: