This version is DEPRECATED, v2.03 is the latest version
This is the reference page for the XML element period
The period covered for the results reported. Multiple periods can be reported for a single indicator.
Example Usage
Example usage of period
in context of an indicator
in a result
A date in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD) is required for the period-start
and period-end
dates of the reporting period
<result type="1" aggregation-status="1">
<title>Result 1 title</title>
<description>Result 1 description text</description>
<indicator measure="1" ascending="1">
<title>Indicator 1 title</title>
<description>Indicator 1 description text</description>
<baseline year="2012" value="10">
<comment>Baseline comment text</comment>
<period-start iso-date="2013-01-01" />
<period-end iso-date="2013-03-31" />
<target value="10">
<comment>Target comment text</comment>
<actual value="11">
<comment>Actual comment text</comment>
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