IATI Schema Changes -*-Outline-*- * (pre) Version 1.05 (see http://support.iatistandard.org/forums/22895158-1-05-Decimal-Upgrade) [*] designates a backwards-incompatible change ** Activities - added a descripton to the planned-disbursement element * (pre) Version 1.04 (see http://support.iatistandard.org/forums/22743317-1-04-Decimal-Upgrade) [*] designates a backwards-incompatible change ** Activities - added reporting-org/@secondary-reporter attribute - made a number of changes to the location element * added location/@ref attribute * added location/location-reach element * added location/location-id element * added location/activity-description element * location/administrative gets new attributes: @level, @vocabulary, @code, @xml:lang * location/administrative has the following attributes deprecated: @country, @adm1, @adm2 * added location/point element * added location/exactness element * added location/location-class element * added location/feature-designation element * deprecated location/gazetteer-entry element * deprecated location/coordinates element * deprecated location/location-type element - some documentation has been altered slightly - country-budget-items/budget-item/@percentage is now optional rather than required - added conditions/condition/@xml:lang attribute * (pre2) Version 1.03 [*] designates a backwards-incompatible change ** Activities - added the optional contact-info/website element - added the optional contact-info/@type attribute - changed the following subelements of contact-info to allow multiple-language versions explicitly (no change to parsing; purely semantic): organisation, person-name, job-title, mailing-address * (pre) Version 1.03 (see http://wiki.iatistandard.org/standard/revision/1.03/changes_specification) [*] designates a backwards-incompatible change ** Activities - Version numbers now included in the document root. Versions match the version of the standard, not the document, although documents will only change in line with the standard. - globally changed the @percentage attribute to allow decimals (e.g. "55.5" as well as "50") - globally changed the @currency attribute to allow decimals (e.g. "99.99" as well as "99") - added the optional country-budget-item element - added the optional contact-info/job-title element - added the optional capital-spend element - added the optional crs-add element and its child elements - added the optional fss element and its child elements - added the activity-scope element - added optional recipient-region/@vocabulary attribute ** Organisations - Version numbers now included in the document root. Versions match the version of the standard, not the document, although documents will only change in line with the standard. - globally changed the @currency attribute to allow decimals (e.g. "99.99" as well as "99") ** Common - Version numbers now included in the document root. Versions match the version of the standard, not the document, although documents will only change in line with the standard. - Currency values are now allowed to be declared as decimals instead of integers. - Moved the @percentage attribute to common, so that it can be reused. ** Registry Record - Version numbers now included in the document root. Versions match the version of the standard, not the document, although documents will only change in line with the standard. * 1.02beta (2012-11-23) (See http://wiki.iatistandard.org/standard/revision/1.02/changes_specification) [*] designates a backwards-incompatible change - bumped version to 1.02 in preparation for 2012-12-17 release ** Activities - [*] replaced document-link/@language with element document-link/language - [*] changed type of iati-activity/@hierarchy from xsd:string to xsd:int - introduced the optional iati-activities/@linked-data-default attribute - introduced the optional iati-activity/@linked-data-uri attribute ** Organisations - [*] replaced document-link/@language with element document-link/language * Version 1.01 (These changes made it into the IATI 1.01 final release.) - removed documentation references to obsolete draft of standard ** Activities - [*] result model changed entirely - backwards incompatible - [*] correct content model for conditions/condition, which previously was hidden by misplaced xsd:annotation element (Redmine issue #72) - [*] added explicit content type for contact-info/organisation - in documentation, no longer specify default for optional iati-activities/@version attribute - add optional transaction/description element - make budget/@type, budget/period-start/@iso-date, and budget/period-end/@iso-date optional - make planned-disbursement/period-start/@iso-date and planned-disbursement/period-end/@iso-date optional - make participating-org/@type optional again - make activity-status/@code optional again - [*] remove location/description/@type - make location/coordinates/@precision optional - [*] change activity-date/@iso-date, budget/period-start/@iso-date, planned-disbursement/period-start/@iso-date, planned-disbursement/period-end/@iso-date, budget/period-end/@iso-date, transaction/transaction-date/@iso-date, planned-disbursement/value/@value-date, budget/value/@value-date, and transaction/value/@value-date to use xsd:date rather than xsd:dateTime (e.g. "2011-06-01" instead of previous "2011-06-01T12:00:00Z"). ** Organisations - made recipient-org-budget/recipient-org/@ref optional again - added top-level iati-organisations element, similar to iati-activies, to allow multiple organisation records in a single file - added reporting-org to iati-organisations, to allow reporting by an organisation other than the one being described - [*] change total-budget/period-start/@iso-date, recipient-org-budget/period-start/@iso-date, recipient-country-budget/period-start/@iso-date, total-budget/period-end/@iso-date, recipient-country-budget/period-end/@iso-date, recipient-org-budget/period-end/@iso-date, total-budget/value/@value-date, recipient-org-budget/value/@value-date, and recipient-country-budget/value/@value-date to use xsd:date rather than xsd:dateTime (e.g. "2011-06-01" instead of previous "2011-06-01T12:00:00Z") * 2011-03-11 changes (version 2.0 beta) WARNING: this release contains a large number of backwards-incompatible changes for alignment with the most recently-approved IATI standard (see exceptions below). [*] designates a backwards-incompatible change ** Activities - [*] make reporting-org/@ref required - [*] make reporting-org/@type required - [*] make participating-org/@role required - [*] make participating-org/@type required - [*] remove recipient-country/@type - [*] make recipient-country/@code required - [*] remove collaboration-type/@type - [*] remove default-flow-type/@type - [*] remove default-aid-type/@type - [*] remove default-finance-type/@type - [*] remove sector/@type - [*] remove default-tied-status/@type - make policy-marker/@significance optional - make policy-marker/@code optional - [*] remove policy-marker/@type - [*] remove activity-status/@type - [*] remove contact-info/person-name/@xml:lang - [*] remove activity-website/@xml:lang - [*] remove transaction/status - [*] remove transaction/provider-activity - [*] remove transaction/receiver-activity - [*] remove transaction/@flow - [*] remove transaction/@type - [*] make transaction/transaction-type/@code required - [*] remove transaction/transaction-type/@type - [*] remove transaction/provider-org/@type - [*] remove transaction/provider-org/@xml:lang - [*] remove transaction/receiver-org/@type - [*] remove transaction/receiver-org/@xml:lang - [*] remove transaction/value/@type - [*] remove transaction/flow-type/@type - [*] remove transaction/finance-type/@type - [*] remove transaction/aid-type/@type - [*] remove transaction/disbursement-channel/@type - [*] remove transaction/tied-status/@type - [*] remove document-link/category/@type - [*] remove location/location-type/@type - add budget as specified in the standard - add planned-disbursement as specified in the standard - add conditions as specified in the standard - add result as specified in the standard - [*] remove total-cost - [*] remove budget-planned - [*] remove related-initiative *** Differences from the Standard - not enforcing occurrence of iati-activity or its top-level children - not enforcing order or occurrence of children of contact-info or transaction - not enforcing when text content is required (e.g. iati-identifier) - kept @xml:lang in transaction/disbursement-channel, transaction/tied-status, document-link/category, and location/location-type to allow specifying the language of the text label, and for consistency with other elements using references or codes (including default-tied-status) - add @xml:lang to result/indicator/baseline, result/indicator/target, and result/indicator/actual - use @iso-date for period-start and period-end under budget and planned-disbursement, for consistency with other uses of the same elements ** Organisations - [*] make total-budget/period-start/@iso-date required - [*] make total-budget/period-end/@iso-date required - [*] remove total-budget/value/@type - [*] make recipient-org-budget/recipient-org/@ref required - [*] remove recipient-org-budget/recipient-org/@type - [*] make recipient-org-budget/period-start/@iso-date required - [*] make recipient-org-budget/period-end/@iso-date required - [*] remove recipient-org-budget/value/@type - [*] remove recipient-country-budget/recipient-country/@ref - [*] remove recipient-country-budget/recipient-country/@type - [*] add recipient-country-budget/recipient-country/@code (required) - [*] make recipient-country-budget/period-start/@iso-date required - [*] make recipient-country-budget/period-end/@iso-date required - [*] remove recipient-country-budget/value/@type - [*] remove document-link/category/@type - [*] remove organisation-website *** Differences from the Standard - not enforcing order or occurrence of top-level elements - not enforcing when text content is required * 2010-11-15 changes (version 1.01 beta2) WARNING: this release includes backwards-incompatible changes to the Registry Record extension schema -- see below for details. ** General - moved iati-identifier from Organisations and Activities schemas to iati-common.xsd - removed non-required declarations of xml namespace, to avoid confusing some non-conformant XML processing tools ** Registry Record (extension) - [backwards-incompatible] new requried registry-record/@title attribute - [backwards-incompatible] new requried registry-record/@last-updated-datetime attribute - [backwards-incompatible] new requried registry-record/@generated-datetime attribute - [backwards-incompatible] new requried registry-record/@format attribute - [backwards-incompatible] new requried registry-record/@license attribute - add optional registry-record/@xml:lang attribute - make registry-record/@donor-id and registry-record/@donor-type optional rather than required - add new optional registry-record/@donor-country attribute - add new optional registry-record/@activity-period attribute - include an XML namespace declaration for the target namespace, even though it's not explicitly referenced, to avoid confusing some non-conformant XML processing tools * 2010-11-10 changes (version 1.01 beta) WARNING: this release includes backwards-incompatible changes. IATI documents that were valid with the 2010-07-07 schema release (version 1.0) may be invalid with this release. ** General - separated common markup components into iati-common.xsd, to avoid duplication between the Organisations and Activities schemas; like xml.xsd, iati-common.xsd must be in the same directory as the principal schema - new application-specific Registry Record schema (see below); this is an extension rather than part of the IATI standard, and provides a model of how other extensions could be written (inside or outside IATI) ** Activities - [backwards-incompatible] renamed contact-info/organization to contact-info/organisation - [backwards-incompatible] make @code attribute mandatory for collaboration-type, default-flow-type, transaction/flow-type, default-aid-type, transaction/aid-type, default-finance-type, transaction/finance-type, default-tied-status, transaction/tied-status, policy-marker, and activity-status - [backwards-incompatible] remove transaction/transaction-date/@type - [backwards-incompatible] make @ref and @type mandatory for related-activity - add optional iati-activity/@version attribute - add new transaction/disbursement-channel element - add new document-link element and subelements - add new location element and subelements - change structure of budget-planned/period-start and budget-planned/period-end so that content doesn't have to be an ISO date (and add optional @iso-date attribute) ** Organizations - [backwards-incompatible] rename iati-organization to iati-organisation - [backwards-incompatible] rename organization-website to organisation-website - add optional iati-organisation/@version attribute - add new document-link element and subelements ** Registry Record (extension) - Added new application-specific extension schema to add an import label for the IATI registry (not part of the IATI standards). * 2010-07-07 Changes (version 1.0) ** Activities - add xsd:any to most text content, to allow mixed-content extensibility (e.g. in text, description, etc.) - add xsd:anyAttribute wherever possible - change @ref to @code anywhere the attribute represents an enumerated list rather than the identifier of a business object: collaboration-type, (default-)flow-type, default-aid-type, transaction/aid-type, (default-)finance-type, sector, default-tied-status, tied-status, policy-marker, transaction/transaction-type, activity-status, target-location, transaction/status - modify the currencyType complex type so that financial values must be integers: affects total-cost, budget-planned/value, transaction/value - make total-cost/value/@value-date, budget-planned/value/@value-date, and transaction/value/@value-date required - rename finance-type to default-finance-type and add transaction/finance-type - rename flow-type to default-flow-type and add transaction/flow-type - add transaction/transaction-date/@iso-date (required), and use the content to hold an optional text description - make transaction-date/@type optional - add legacy-data element to hold original (non-IATI) values - add budget-planned/receiver-org and budget-planned/description - add iati-activity/@hierarchy ** Organizations - add xsd:any and xsd:anyAttribute various places to improve extensibility - modify the currencyType complex type so that financial values must be integers: affects total-budget and recipient-org-budget - make total-budget/value/@value-date and recipient-org-budget/value/@value-date required - change structure of */period-start and */period-end to use @iso-date attribute (required) and optional free-form content, as in the activities schema - add recipient-country-budget ** Tests - add a completely new set of unit tests for each schema * 2010-05-04 Changes ** Organizations - added iati-organizations-schema.xsd for organization reports ** Extensibility - changed schema to allow extensibility using attributes and elements from explicit namespaces ** Pilots - added test files from other pilots (not in the test script, yet, due to issues) ** Tests - reorganized tests by type * 2010-04-27 Changes ** Update iati-activity - rename optional attribute 'default-current' to 'default-currency' ** Update 03.05 Recipient Country - remove attributes ref and type - add required attribute 'code', holding the ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code for the country ** Add 03.05.1 Recipient Region - add optional and repeatable element 'recipient-region', with same model as recipient-country ** Rename 03.07.1 Type of Aid - rename element activity/aid-type to activity/default-aid-type ** Rename 03.09 Identifier - rename element identifier to other-identifier ** Add 03.09.1 IATI Identifier - add (required, non-repeatable) element iati-identifier ** Update 03.10 Title - documentation updates only -- title should be a single line ** Update 03.16 Detailed Geographic Info - documentation updates only -- make it clear that this element is for only subnational geographical info, and distinguish from geopolitical info ** Add 03.17 Tied aid status - add optional element default-tied-status (was in 2010-04-17 release, but not enabled in activity element) ** Add 03.18 Other Policy Markers - add optional and repeatable element 'policy-marker' ** Add 04.02 Annual activity budgets - add optional and repeatable element budget-planned ** Rename and extend 04.03 Total amount committed by individual donor - rename optional and repeatable element incoming-contribution to transaction - change documentation to specify that this element also now covers 04.05, 04.06, 04.07, and 04.08 - remove transaction/contribution-type and make into an optional @type attribute for transaction/value (e.g. "funds", "in-kind") - make transaction/value/@currency optional (since it can be provided with iati-activity/@default-currency as well) - add transaction/transaction-type (commitment, disbursement, etc.) - rename element transaction/donor-org to transaction/provider-org - rename attribute transaction/donor-org/donor-activity-id to transaction/provider-org/provider-activity-id and clarify purpose in documentation - rename optional element transaction/recipient-org to transaction/receiver-org - rename optional attribute transaction/recipient-org/recipient-activity-id to transaction/receiver-org/receiver-activity-id and clarify purpose in documentation - rename optional element source-activity to provider-activity, and specify in docs that it should be present only when transaction/@flow is "incoming" - add optional element receiver-activity, and specify in docs that it should be present only when transaction/@flow is "outgoing" - add optional element aid-type, to override top-level element iati-activity/default-aid-type - add optional element tied-status, to override top-level element iati-activity/default-tied-status ** X.XX Related Activity - add optional and repeatable element related-activity, similar to related-initiative (but for other IATI activities) * 2010-04-17 Changes ** updated iati2idml.xsl * 2010-04-16 Changes based on 2010-04-15 teleconference ** add 2.12 Project Website - add element activity-website ** simplify 3.01 Reporting Organization and 3.02 Participating Organization - remove attribute reporting-org/@role - must now also list the organization under participating-org if it's actually involved in the project - remove attribute reporting-org/@acronym and participating-org/@acronym - just include it in the text if desired - update documentation ** update 3.05 Recipient Country - add recipient-country/@percentage to show what percentage of the project is allocated to each country (if known) ** support 3.06 Collaboration Type for phase 1 - add optional element collaboration-type ** support 3.07 Flow Type for phase 1 - add optional element flow-type ** support 3.08 Finance Type for phase 1 - add optional element finance-type ** for 3.9 Aid Activity ID, use a single element - delete element primary-id - rename element other-id to identifier, and use for both primary and alternative identifiers - update documentation ** Update 3.12 General/Detailed Sector with additional facets - add optional attribute sector/@vocabulary to specify when a non-DAC sector scheme/vocabulary/taxonomy/codelist is in use - add optional attribute sector/@percentage to specify the percentage of the project targetted at a specific sector within each vocabulary ** Use one generic element for 3.13 Project Dates - remove elements start-date-planned and end-date-planned - add element activity-date - add @type attribute for segmentation - add @iso-date attribute for the ISO date (allowing free-form text date descriptions in the content) - add optional @xml:lang attribute to describe language of freeform text ** Support 3.14 Activity Status / Stage - add optional element activity-status ** Support 3.15 Activity Contacts - add optional element contact-info ** Updated 3.16 Detailed geographic info - add optional attribute target-location/@vocabulary - merge optional attributes target-location/@latitude-deg and target-location/@longitude-deg into @gis ** Support 3.17 Tied Aid Status - add optional element tied-status ** remove USD-specific information from all currency amounts, and add a general value date instead - remove total-cost/@usd-equivalent and total-cost/@usd-conversion-date - add total-cost/@value-date ** replace "project" with "activity" throughout - change documentation throughout - rename schema file from "iati-projects-schema.xsd" to "iati-activities-schema.xsd" - rename element iati-projects to iati-activities - rename element project to iati-activity - rename attribute incoming-contribution/@donor-project-id to @donor-activity-id - rename attribute incoming-contribution/@recipient-project-id to @recipient-activity-id - rename element incoming-contribution/source-project to source-activity ** support a default language for an activity (3.XX Default Language) - add optional attribute iati-activity/@xml:lang ** support a default currency for an activity (4.XX Default Currency) - add optional attribute iati-activity/@default-currency ** generalize Related Initiative - change documentation to specify that element related-initiative can refer to another activity as well as an appeal, etc. * 2010-03-16 - renamed incoming-contribution/donor to incoming-contribution/donor-org - added incoming-contribution/recipient-org to cover case where the organization receiving a contribution isn't the reporting-org (I don't think that happens with OCHA's FTS data, but it could happen with other projects) * 2010-03-14 - initial version __end__