This version is DEPRECATED, v2.03 is the latest version
This is the reference page for the XML element location-type
Deprecated since 1.04
The type of location (e.g. “PCL” for a political entity) from the feature designation codes maintained by the US National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
- @code
Machine readable code for the entity being described. The value should be available on a related codelist.
This value must be of type xsd:string.
This value must be on the LocationType codelist.
- @xml:lang
ISO 2 letter code specifying the language of text in this element.
This value should be on the Language codelist.
Example Usage
NB: this element is deprecated in version 1.04
Just the code can be declared
<location-type code="PPL"/>
Additionally the description for this code can be stated
<location-type code="PPL">populated place</location-type>
Where the description is in a language other than the activity default, then this should be declared:
<location-type code="PPL" xml:lang="fr">region peuplee</location-type>
Deprecated in 1.04
The location-type element was deprecated in 1.04. The location-class element should be used instead.
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