IATI Standard

The IATI Standard is a set of rules and guidance about what data organisations should publish and what format it should be presented in. Find out more information on About the IATI Standard.
The IATI Standard can be accessed using the links below. On these pages you can find all the rules and guidance which make up the IATI Standard. Organisations have to follow these rules when publishing their data.
You can also use these pages to help interpret IATI data. Please see the guide on How to use IATI Reference.
Over time the IATI Standard has been updated. Each version of the Standard has its own page on the website. If you do not actively choose a version, the links below will take you to the latest version of the Standard.
Version 1 was deprecated on 30th June 2019. Understand how the deprecation affects you.
The rules and guidance which make up the IATI Standard, and other reference pages are only available in English. The IATI codelists are available in French. For more information see Translations FAQs