This is the reference page for the XML element indicator
The indicator(s) that meet the results. There can be multiple indicators for each result.
This element must occur at least once (within each parent element).
- @measure
An IATI code defining the unit of measure in which the value is reported.
This attribute is required.
This value must be of type xsd:string.
This value must be on the IndicatorMeasure codelist.
- @ascending
A boolean describing the behaviour of the indicator. It is “true” if the indicator improves from small to large (e.g. clinics built); false if it improves from large to small (e.g. cases of a disease).
This value must be of type xsd:boolean.
Example Usage
Example usage of indicator
in a result
of an iati-activity
This element is a parent for other child elements. It is also contained within a result
The @measure
attribute declares a valid code (1) from the IndicatorMeasure codelist.
The @ascending
boolean of 1 also declares that the data is asscending.
<result type="1" aggregation-status="1">
<narrative>Result title</narrative>
<narrative>Result description text</narrative>
<narrative>Indicator title</narrative>
<narrative>Indicator description text</narrative>
<baseline year="2012" value="10">
<narrative>Baseline comment text</narrative>
<period-start iso-date="2013-01-01" />
<period-end iso-date="2013-03-31" />
<target value="10">
<narrative>Target comment text</narrative>
<actual value="11">
<narrative>Actual comment text</narrative>
The indicator
element can be repeated in any result
of an iati-activity
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