Young Innovations to deliver IATI's new publishing tool

Nepal-based technology company, Young Innovations has been chosen to build IATI’s new publishing tool.
Following a competitive procurement process in 2021, IATI’s Governing Board and Secretariat are pleased to announce that Young Innovations were successful in their bid to deliver the project. Last month, IATI’s Secretariat and Young Innovations began work to develop the new tool, which aims to improve the experience of publishers from small and medium sized organisations.
The new tool will be simple, intuitive and aligned with the IATI schema and rulesets, making publishing easier for organisations.
The new publishing tool will enable organisations to publish their data on development and humanitarian activities according to the XML format required by the IATI Standard. The new tool will be simple, intuitive and aligned with the IATI schema and rulesets, making publishing easier for organisations.
The decision to develop the new IATI publishing tool follows a strategic decision made as part of the Technical Stocktake in 2020, and responds to findings from a research project on the publishing needs of users. To help improve the quality of IATI data published, the tool will make use of the IATI Validator and check data for errors before publication.
Young Innovations has exceptional IATI knowledge and experience, having developed their own publishing tool, AidStream. They will use their expertise to work with IATI’s Technical Team over the next year to produce the new IATI-owned tool, which will be offered as a free service for small and medium sized organisations wishing to publish data easily in IATI. Existing third party publishing tools will continue to be available with alternative functionality and support options, as before.
“We are excited to be working on this project to help organisations publish in IATI and become more transparent"
Bibhusan Bista, CEO at Young Innovations said “We are excited to be working on this project to help organisations publish in IATI and become more transparent. We hope to bring our technical and thematic experience of working on IATI along with other open data verticals to make the project successful”
The IATI Secretariat will provide updates on the IATI website as this project progresses. For any questions on the development of the new tool, email [email protected] or see posts in the Technical Community of Practice on IATI Connect.