TAG 2018 - Announcement of new TAG Chair
2018 Technical Advisory Group - Announcement of new TAG Chair

Steven Flower, Open Data Services Co-operative
We’re delighted to update all our members with the outcome of the nomination process for the TAG Chair election, 2018. With four nominations received for a single candidate, and no other candidates nominated, we’re happy to announce that Steven Flower of Open Data Services will be the Chair of the IATI Technical Advisory Group.
Based in the UK, Steven works on a mix of research and development, technical infrastructure and support for data creators and users. He has worked with a wide range of organisations to help them plan, prepare, publish and use data in the IATI format. Steven is keen to promote continued growth in data availability and improvements in data quality, usefulness and usability.
The appointment is for an initial period up to the 2019 Members’ Assembly, extending to a full term of two years subject to broader decisions around institutional arrangements at the next MA. In line with existing governance procedures, as TAG Chair, Steven will also have a seat on the IATI Governing Board.
Please join us in congratulating Steven on his successful nomination and wishing him the very best in his new role as TAG Chair. TAG 2018 meeting participants will have a chance to meet him at a question and answer session on the TAG opening day, November 13th.
John Adams will continue in his role as Chair throughout the Kathmandu TAG meeting leading to a formal handover on the final day. We are incredibly grateful to John for steering the TAG over the past four years and we look forward to celebrating his exceptional contribution throughout that period when we are together at the TAG meeting in Nepal.