Transitioning from API to IATI Datastore API version 3
Guidance for users of the API who want to move on to IATI’s Datastore V3 API
IATI’s Datastore version 3 uses the same backend technology as the SOLR API. However, various optimisations have been made allowing all available valid IATI data to be returned and ensuring that the outputs are aligned with the IATI Schema. A comparison between the two APIs can be found on this page.
Please note, is no longer managed by IATI and may not have the same services as previously listed.
Step-by-step transition
To replicate a query on, without adding any advanced features, the following guidance should be followed:
Create an API Gateway login
All users of the IATI Datastore API v3 are required to register on IATI’s API Gateway and gain a free API key. This step allows the IATI Secretariat to better track how IATI APIs are being used, and ensure a secure and robust service for users. Once you are logged into the API Gateway you can choose between two subscriptions:
Name | Description |
Exploratory | Subscribers will be able to run 5 calls/minute up to a maximum of 100 calls/week. No approval is required |
Full Access | Subscribers have unlimited access to Public |
Once setup you will be able to use the API Keys provided either from within the API Gateway webpage or your local development tools. Further guidance is provided in API Gateway Instructions.
Change the base URL | IATI Datastore version 3 |
---|---| | | | | | |
Select data fields to return
The transaction and budget endpoints in the API only return a subset of the data fields available in IATI. In contrast, the IATI Datastore v3 API returns all available fields. The fl= parameter can be used to limit the fields returned to match the output. | IATI Datastore version 3 field selection |
---|---| | &fl=iati_identifier,reporting_org_ref,title_narrative,description_narrative,recipient_country_code,recipient_region_code,sector_code,transaction_ref,transaction_humanitarian,transaction_transaction_type_code,transaction_transaction_date_iso_date,transaction_value_currency,transaction_value_value_date,transaction_value,transaction_provider_org_ref,transaction_provider_org_provider_activity_id,transaction_provider_org_type,transaction_provider_org_narrative,transaction_receiver_org_ref,transaction_receiver_org_receiver_activity_id,transaction_receiver_org_type,transaction_receiver_org_narrative,transaction_disbursement_channel_code,transaction_sector_vocabulary,transaction_sector_code,transaction_recipient_country_code,transaction_recipient_region_code,transaction_flow_type_code,transaction_finance_type_code,transaction_aid_type_code,transaction_aid_type_vocabulary,transaction_tied_status_code,transaction_description_narrative,default_currency,xml_lang,default_flow_type_code,default_aid_type_code,default_tied_status_code,humanitarian | | &fl=iati_identifier,reporting_org_ref,reporting_org_type,recipient_country_code,recipient_country_narrative,budget_type,budget_status,budget_period_start_iso_date,budget_period_end_iso_date,budget_value_currency,budget_value_value_date,budget_value,default_currency,xml_lang,default_flow_type_code,default_tied_status_code,default_aid_type_code,humanitarian |
Change field names in query parameter
Names of elements and attributes are based upon the names and path provided in the IATI Schema. Each sequence of non-alpha characters is replaced with a ‘_’.
For example:
IATI names | IATI Datastore version 3 names |
iati-identifier | iati_identifier |
transaction/value | transaction_value |
transaction/value/@currency | transaction_value_currency |
transaction/description/narrative/@xml:lang | transaction_description_narrative_xml_lang |
A full list of the names and paths, plus the data type of each element and attribute can be found in the Activity Summary Table.
Fields with name changes between and IATI Datastore v3 include: names | IATI Datastore version 3 names |
default_lang | xml_lang |
reporting_org_type_code | reporting_org_type |
location_id_code | location_location_id_code |
location_id_vocabulary | location_location_id_vocabulary |
location_reach_code | location_location_reach_code |
location_class_code | location_location_class_code |
country_budget_items_budget_description_narrative_lang | country_budget_items_budget_item_description_narrative_xml_lang |
country_budget_items_budget_description_narrative_text | country_budget_items_budget_item_description_narrative |
planned_disbursement_value_date | planned_disbursement_value_value_date |
planned_disbursement_provider_org_narrative_lang | planned_disbursement_provider_org_narrative_xml_lang |
planned_disbursement_provider_org_narrative_text | planned_disbursement_receiver_org_narrative |
transaction_type | transaction_transaction_type_code |
transaction_date_iso_date | transaction_transaction_date_iso_date |
transaction_value_date | transaction_value_value_date |
transaction_provider_org_narrative_lang | transaction_provider_org_narrative_xml_lang |
transaction_provider_org_narrative_text | transaction_provider_org_narrative |
location_id_code | location_location_id_code |
transaction_disburstment_channel_code | transaction_disbursement_channel_code |
result_indicator_title_narrative_lang | result_indicator_title_narrative_xml_lang |
result_indicator_title_narrative_text | result_indicator_title_narrative |
result_indicator_description_narrative_lang | result_indicator_description_narrative_xml_lang |
result_indicator_description_narrative_text | result_indicator_description_narrative |
result_indicator_reference_vocabulary_uri | result_indicator_reference_indicator_uri |
result_indicator_baseline_comment_narrative_lang | result_indicator_baseline_comment_narrative_xml_lang |
result_indicator_baseline_comment_narrative_text | result_indicator_baseline_comment_narrative |
result_indicator_period_target_comment_narrative_lang | result_indicator_period_target_comment_narrative_xml_lang |
result_indicator_period_target_comment_narrative_text | result_indicator_period_target_comment_narrative |
result_indicator_period_actual_comment_narrative_lang | result_indicator_period_actual_comment_narrative_xml_lang |
result_indicator_period_actual_comment_narrative_text | result_indicator_period_actual_comment_narrative |
result_document_link_title_narrative_lang | result_document_link_title_narrative_xml_lang |
result_document_link_title_narrative_text | result_document_link_title_narrative |
result_document_link_description_narrative_lang | result_document_link_description_narrative_xml_lang |
result_document_link_description_narrative_text | result_document_link_description_narrative |
result_indicator_document_link_title_narrative_lang | result_indicator_document_link_title_narrative_xml_lang |
result_indicator_document_link_title_narrative_text | result_indicator_document_link_title_narrative_text |
Select results to return
The Datastore v3 API has a limit of 1000 documents returned at once. This is to ensure data is of a size that can be handled by most browsers and will be returned in a reasonable timescale.
As with, the number of documents to return is set by the rows parameter. To return all documents in a query, users will need to repeatedly call the API and loop through the available pages by using the start parameter e.g.
- To get the first 1000 documents: &rows=1000&start=1
- To get the second 1000 documents: &rows=1000&start=1001
Results that cannot be returned
The IATI Datastore v3 does not have inbuilt currency conversion to USD. Users should take the value date of the financial value and choose their own method for converting the currency. was based on the average IMF conversion rate for a given month.
The following endpoints, with CSV output only, do not have an equivalent in IATI Datastore v3:
Comparison of IATI Datastore version 3 API to API
The two APIs are set up in very similar ways. However, the IATI Datastore API v3 is built to allow users greater flexibility when filtering data. Notably, all IATI data can be searched and returned using the activity, transaction and budget endpoints.
The IATI Datastore version 3 also delivers more timely updates, has lower costs and has an API Contract.
Do note that the IATI Datastore does not process IATI data. Any post-processing work, such as currency conversion and country/region/sector expansion, will sit down-stream of the Datastore API and will be considered in IATI’s upcoming work.
IATI Datastore version 3 | |
API subscription key is needed | No subscription key needed |
All IATI data can be searched and returned for each endpoint | A subset of IATI data can be searched for each endpoint |
All IATI data can be returned for each endpoint | A subset of IATI data can be returned for each endpoint |
All field names match the IATI Standard | Not all field names match the IATI Standard |
Narrative searching available on all narrative fields | Narrative searching available on some narrative fields |
Paginated results | No pagination of results |
No USD currency conversion | Some USD currency conversion |
No CSV activity sector and country expansion | CSV activity output can return one country or one sector per row |
Further support
The IATI Datastore has been developed by the IATI Secretariat. For additional support on using (or transitioning over) to the new API, please contact the IATI Helpdesk: [email protected]. IATI’s Secretariat will happily set up a call to help get you started.