Data-Enabled Development Cooperation - High-level Roundtable
IATI is hosting a side-event at the the United Nations 3rd Preparatory Committee for the Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD4).
IATI is delivering a side-event to the Third Session of the Preparatory Committee for the Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development
UNHQ New York, Conference Room 8
Tuesday 11th February 2025
1:15pm - 2:30pm EST
Concept Note and Agenda
Co-hosts: Government of Australia, Government of Germany, Government of Liberia, International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI), Open Contracting Partnership (OCP), and World Bank and Global Alliance for Food Security (GAFS)
This high-level side event will facilitate discussion around specific proposals for the transformative role of data in development cooperation for FfD4 and its implementation beyond Sevilla. With a focus on transparency, integration, and partnerships, the event will highlight innovative and proven approaches to aligning financial flows with sustainable development priorities through voluntary reporting. Through presentation of practical case studies and discussion, the event will bring sharp focus on the critical issues of evidence-based policy-making, an integrated, universal follow-up mechanism, and enhancing global and national capacity to track diverse and non-traditional financing flows into the FfD4 dialogues. Ministerial-level representatives will share insights on advancing data-driven strategies to achieve SDGs, climate goals, and national development outcomes, emphasizing collaboration and trust-building among stakeholders. Key member countries, development partners and civil society organizations in financing for development will have an opportunity to contribute and participate to the event with the view to inform the final outcome document of FfD4.
- Provide an opportunity for the international community to share best practices from open data standards and transparency frameworks;
- Demonstrate how open data standards can enable sustainable development impact through international development cooperation at national level; and
- Discuss how open data standards can be integrated to support the follow up mechanism in the FfD4 Outcome