Update: IATI Institutional Hosting arrangement TORs and bid process
The IATI Governing Board, in support of the IATI Institutional Working Group is undertaking a process to secure the hosting arrangements for the initiative for the period 2023 - 2027.
Terms of Reference
IATI’s hosting arrangements will consist of the delivery of two main services: (1) Policy and Technology Secretariat services and (2) Legal and Operational Support Services. The final Terms of References for these two areas are now final and can be accessed using the links below:
- IATI Policy and Technology (Host) TOR (FR / ES to follow shortly)
- Operational and Legal (Provider) TOR (FR / ES to follow shortly)
The bidding and selection process will be conducted between October 2022 and March 2023 and will involve the following stages:

Bid process
Open Solicitation of Bids
- TORs for Host and for Provider to be published in English, French and Spanish, on IATI Connect and on the IATI website. Members are also encouraged to share the link widely within their networks. All organisations are welcome and encouraged to submit bids, including existing hosts, based on the explicit advice of the April 2022 evaluation panel.
- Organisations wishing to submit bids for both TORs are encouraged to do so, but must address all requirements in both TORs. Different criteria will apply to each set of TORs, given the distinct nature of each scope of work.
- The Board will hold an open “Bidders’ Call” for each of the TORs in early December.
Search and Approach
- A small search party from the Board and IWG will speak with some of the organisations seen as a good fit for IATI to seek their interest and answer any questions they may have. IATI members are encouraged to get in touch with the Board or IWG with suggestions or connections to add to the search.
Bid Submission Closes; Longlisting and Shortlisting
- The Board develops minimum requirements criteria for longlisting, plus selection criteria for shortlisting, based on the published ToRs, taking into account discussions of the 2021 IWG and the April 2022 evaluation panel. These criteria are finalised by the Board after discussion with the IWG.
- Longlisting is undertaken by the Process Manager and reviewed by the IWG, using the agreed minimum requirements criteria.
- Taking into consideration the advice of the IWG, a Selection Panel of 5-7 members comprised of experts covering all areas of each TOR and a balance of IATI constituents is invited by the Board to form a panel for a fixed period, January - March, with the task of shortlisting candidates for each TOR.
- The initial shortlisting process in each TOR is undertaken by the Selection Panel, which refines the list of longlisted candidate organisations to the 2-3 most promising options, using a combination of shortlisting against the agreed selection criteria and interviews. These options are forwarded to the Board.
Preferred Host and Provider Recommended to Members
- Based on the options received from the IWG, the Board makes recommendations to members on the most qualified bids for each of the two areas of work. The Board indicates its preferred candidate for each TOR along with its reasoning, taking into account whether an organisation has bid for both TORs.
- The Board makes written recommendations to IATI members for the most qualified preferred host(s) and provider(s), seeking approval for the second candidate(s) for each TOR in case final negotiations with the preferred candidates are unsuccessful.
Members’ Assembly Vote
- Members meet in-person during the MA (March 13-14, 2023) to discuss and approve recommendations from the Board on selection and engagement. Constituencies will have the opportunity to meet for discussions the day before the MA.
Eligibility to Vote
- Any member in good standing for Y9 (2022) membership fees by 31 December 2022 will be eligible to vote, including any Member that is included in the shortlisted candidates as Host or Provider.
- Any Partner Country with an active waiver for Y9 membership fees will be eligible to vote.
- The Board will move to extend the waiver option (currently only open to Partner Countries) to CSOs at the MA in 2023. Members are therefore advised in relation to the bid process for new Host and Provider:
- That CSOs will be given the option to apply for a waiver in principle for Y10 (2023) in advance of the MA
- That if the vote passes at the MA, then any applications for waiver in principle will be approved, and those members will be eligible to vote on the host
- Any member, whether in good standing or not, can address the MA during discussions.
- Members approve the Board to enter into final negotiations and to agree and sign a Letter of Agreement (LoA) with the new Host and Provider on their behalf. Legal advice will be sought from within the jurisdiction of the new Host (and Provider if different) in the preparation of the LoA.
Bid submission
If you are interested to submit a proposal, or if you have any questions regarding the information provided in this document, please contact the Governing Board Chair: [email protected]. Please do not send proposals to the same email address.
Please send proposals to [email protected]. Proposals should be clearly marked “Proposal for provision of Legal and Operational Support services to IATI" or "Proposal for provision of Policy and Technology Host services to IATI ”.