PWYF's guides to tracking funding for women’s economic empowerment
Publish What You Fund (PWYF) has launched new guides on how to track international funding to women’s economic empowerment (WEE) and women’s financial inclusion (WFI)
What is included in the guides
Based on PWYF's experience in researching funding in Bangladesh, Kenya, and Nigeria, they have created step by step guides on how to track international funding to WEE and WFI at the country level. The guides cover four steps:
- Provide direction on how to choose the data sets that best meet user needs;
- Identify how to track gender intentionality and how to tailor the research to account for a particular country context;
- Explain the different approaches to tracking funding for WEE and WFI, along with guidance on how to manually review potential projects and how to categorise them for further analysis; and
- Suggest areas for additional analysis depending on areas of interest.
Merging development datasets (including IATI)
PWYF has used data from IATI, OECD-DAC CRS, Candid and CGAP Funder Survey
PWYF has developed an approach that merges four data sources into a single country dataset. PWYF has used data from IATI, OECD-DAC CRS, Candid and CGAP Funder Survey. They have captured both grant and non-grant (loans, guarantees and equity) funding from bilateral and multilateral institutions, development finance institutions, and philanthropic organisations.
The guides allow for the use of one or a combination of data sources according to researchers needs, capacity, and time constraints.
Download the guides:
How to Track International Funding to Women’s Economic Empowerment - A Step by Step Guide
How to Track International Funding to Women’s Financial Inclusion - A Step by Step Guide
More information
For full information on PWYF's new guides, please visit their website.