EU Members States and IATI Community meet in Brussels to strengthen development cooperation transparency
On 18 March, over 40 transparency and development finance experts from EU member states and organisations gathered in Brussels and online to reinforce their shared commitment to transparency and accountability in development cooperation. In the context of tightening budgets, the discussion focused on transparency as a critical tool to drive more effective decisions.

EU Transparency Seminar, Brussels 18 March 2025
The seminar was co-organised by the European Commissions’ Directorate-General for International Partnerships (DG INTPA D1) and the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI). The meeting provided a vital space for frank discussions, practical insights, and a renewed commitment for open data to improve development outcomes in a challenging financial landscape.
"We welcome the 15 EU Member States reporting to IATI, but we aim higher – it needs to become a collective commitment." – Fiona Ramsey, European Commission
In her opening remarks, , Head of Unit for Effective Development Policy and Team Europe (INTPA.D.1) said: “We welcome the 15 EU Member States reporting to IATI, but we aim higher – it needs to become a collective commitment. Understanding why others do not report is key to expanding participation as IATI’s benefits are appreciated by over 1,700 organisations who publish data”.
Ms. Ramsey made a compelling case for data-driven decision making, stating that “true impact comes from using data to inform policies and improve planning and budgeting decisions. Information must not just be collected – it must be accessible, comparable, credible and ultimately usable. I hope today’s seminar helps us reflect on how we can ensure partner countries can better use IATI data to improve their development planning processes.”

Fiona Ramsey, Head of Unit for Effective Development Policy and Team Europe at the European Commissions’ Directorate-General for International Partnerships
Thea Schepers, Chair of the Governing Board of IATI, emphasised the timely nature of the discussion. She said, “Amid tectonic shifts across the international community, the role of transparent, open data is surfacing at the center of the global debate on aid. We have come a long way by working together, and our challenge now is to go further – ensuring that transparency remains a practical, cost-effective, and powerful instrument of collective ambition. We must turn this moment of uncertainty into an opportunity for deeper, more meaningful global cooperation.”
Yemesrach Workie, Executive Director of IATI, emphasised the vital role European membership and community have played in advancing IATI's mission, and the need for continued efforts to strengthen global partnerships, combat disinformation, and build an effective and efficient future of development cooperation.

At the seminar, discussions focused on the ambitions of EU member states and solutions going forward. Speakers from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development shared progress on their success stories and transparency commitments. Participants then moved on to discuss the need for stronger collaboration, alongside exploring ways to improve IATI’s data quality, and make data more accessible and useful.
IATI’s European Community Dialogue
On 19 March, discussions continued with IATI’s European Community Dialogue, bringing together IATI members and the wider European community. Participants explored key opportunities and challenges for development cooperation in 2025 and beyond, contributing valuable insights to shape IATI’s Strategic Plan for 2026–2030.

Sessions were led by IATI’s community and focused on strengthening data quality, meeting the needs of the humanitarian sector, and the complexities of publishing timely data. A peer learning and exchange session was also held with the UK, Dutch, Belgian and Danish Governments on their policies of mandatory publishing of IATI data for implementing partners.
The European Community Dialogue provided a valuable platform for IATI’s Executive Director and the IATI Governing Board to meet with IATI’s community in Europe, reinforcing collaboration and shared commitments to transparent, effective data.