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CLv3 (french): |
The codelists were translated in French in April 2018 with the support of the Government of Canada. Please note that if any codelists have been added since then, they may not be available in French.
Code |
Name |
Description |
Category |
10000 | Public Sector Institutions | ||
11000 | Donor Government | 10000 | |
11001 | Central Government | 11000 | |
11002 | Local Government | 11000 | |
11003 | Public corporations | 11000 | |
11004 | Other public entities in donor country | 11000 | |
12000 | Recipient Government | 10000 | |
12001 | Central Government | 12000 | |
12002 | Local Government | 12000 | |
12003 | Public corporations | 12000 | |
12004 | Other public entities in recipient country | 12000 | |
13000 | Third Country Government (Delegated co-operation) | 10000 | |
20000 | Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) and Civil Society | ||
21000 | International NGO | 20000 | |
21001 | Association of Geoscientists for International Development | 21000 | |
21002 | Agency for International Trade Information and Co-operation | 47000 | |
21003 | Latin American Council for Social Sciences | 23000 | |
21004 | Council for the Development of Economic and Social Research in Africa | 51000 | |
21005 | Consumer Unity and Trust Society International | 21000 | |
21006 | Development Gateway Foundation | 22000 | |
21007 | Environmental Liaison Centre International | 21000 | |
21008 | Eurostep | 22000 | |
21009 | Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa | 51000 | |
21010 | Forum for African Women Educationalists | 23000 | |
21011 | Global Campaign for Education | 21000 | |
21013 | Health Action International | 21000 | |
21014 | Human Rights Information and Documentation Systems | 22000 | |
21015 | International Catholic Rural Association | 22000 | |
21016 | International Committee of the Red Cross | 21000 | |
21017 | International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development | 32000 | |
21018 | International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies | 21000 | |
21019 | International Federation of Settlements and Neighbourhood Centres | 22000 | |
21020 | International HIV/AIDS Alliance | 21000 | |
21021 | International Institute for Environment and Development | 51000 | |
21022 | International Network for Alternative Financial Institutions | 21000 | |
21023 | International Planned Parenthood Federation | 21000 | |
21024 | Inter Press Service, International Association | 21000 | |
21025 | International Seismological Centre | 22000 | |
21026 | International Service for Human Rights | 22000 | |
21027 | ITF Enhancing Human Security | 22000 | |
21028 | International University Exchange Fund - IUEF Stip. in Africa and Latin America | 23000 | |
21029 | Doctors Without Borders | 21000 | |
21030 | Pan African Institute for Development | 23000 | |
21031 | PANOS Institute | 21000 | |
21032 | Population Services International | 21000 | |
21033 | Transparency International | 22000 | |
21034 | International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease | 21000 | |
21035 | World Organisation Against Torture | 22000 | |
21036 | World University Service | 21000 | |
21037 | Women’s World Banking | 22000 | |
21038 | International Alert | 21000 | |
21039 | International Institute for Sustainable Development | 51000 | |
21040 | International Women’s Tribune Centre | 22000 | |
21041 | Society for International Development | 21000 | |
21042 | International Peacebuilding Alliance | 21000 | |
21043 | European Parliamentarians for Africa | 32000 | |
21044 | International Council for the Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders | 21000 | |
21045 | African Medical and Research Foundation | 21000 | |
21046 | Agency for Cooperation and Research in Development | 21000 | |
21047 | AgriCord | 22000 | |
21048 | Association of African Universities | 23000 | |
21049 | European Centre for Development Policy Management | 22000 | |
21050 | Geneva Call | 22000 | |
21051 | Institut Supérieur Panafricaine d’Economie Coopérative | 23000 | |
21053 | IPAS-Protecting Women’s Health, Advancing Women’s Reproductive Rights | 21000 | |
21054 | Life and Peace Institute | 21000 | |
21055 | Regional AIDS Training Network | 23000 | |
21056 | Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership | 31000 | |
21057 | International Centre for Transitional Justice | 21000 | |
21058 | International Crisis Group | 22000 | |
21059 | Africa Solidarity Fund | 23000 | |
21060 | Association for the Prevention of Torture | 22000 | |
21061 | International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims | 21000 | |
21062 | The Nature Conservancy | 21000 | |
21063 | Conservation International | 21000 | |
21064 | Clinton Health Access Initiative, Inc. | 21000 | |
21501 | OXFAM International | 21000 | |
21502 | World Vision | 21000 | |
21503 | Family Health International 360 | 21000 | |
21504 | International Relief and Development | 21000 | |
21505 | Save the Children | 21000 | |
21506 | International Rescue Committee | 21000 | |
21507 | Pact World | 21000 | |
21508 | Sustainable Energy for All | 21000 | |
22000 | Donor country-based NGO | 20000 | |
22501 | OXFAM - provider country office | 22000 | |
22502 | Save the Children - donor country office | 22000 | |
23000 | Developing country-based NGO | 20000 | |
23501 | National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies | 23000 | |
30000 | Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) and Networks | ||
30001 | Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition | 31000 | |
30003 | Global e-Schools and Communities Initiative | 31000 | |
30004 | Global Water Partnership | 31000 | |
30005 | International AIDS Vaccine Initiative | 31000 | |
30006 | International Partnership on Microbicides | 31000 | |
30007 | Global Alliance for ICT and Development | 31000 | |
30008 | Cities Alliance | 31000 | |
30009 | Small Arms Survey | 31000 | |
30010 | International drug purchase facility | 41100 | |
30011 | International Union for the Conservation of Nature | 31000 | |
30012 | Global Climate Partnership Fund | 31000 | |
30013 | Microfinance Enhancement Facility | 31000 | |
30014 | Regional Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Investment Fund for Sub-Saharan Africa | 31000 | |
30015 | Global Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Fund | 31000 | |
30016 | European Fund for Southeast Europe | 31000 | |
30017 | SANAD Fund for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises | 31000 | |
30018 | Africa Finance Corporation | 31000 | |
30019 | Currency Exchange Fund N.V. | 31000 | |
30020 | Global Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Fund II | 31000 | |
31000 | Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) | 30000 | |
31001 | Global Development Network | 32000 | |
31002 | Global Knowledge Partnership | 32000 | |
31003 | International Land Coalition | 32000 | |
31004 | Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative International Secretariat | 32000 | |
31005 | Parliamentary Network on the World Bank | 32000 | |
31006 | Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations | 31000 | |
31007 | Drugs for Neglected Diseases initative | 32000 | |
32000 | Networks | 30000 | |
40000 | Multilateral Organisations | ||
41000 | United Nations (UN) agency, fund or commission | 40000 | |
41100 | UN entities (core contributions reportable in full) | 41000 | |
41101 | Convention to Combat Desertification | 41100 | |
41102 | Desert Locust Control Organisation for Eastern Africa | 47000 | |
41103 | Economic Commission for Africa | 41100 | |
41104 | Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean | 41300 | |
41105 | Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia | 41300 | |
41106 | Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific | 41300 | |
41107 | International Atomic Energy Agency (Contributions to Technical Cooperation Fund Only) | 41100 | |
41108 | International Fund for Agricultural Development | 41100 | |
41109 (withdrawn) | International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women | 41000 | |
41110 | Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS | 41100 | |
41111 | United Nations Capital Development Fund | 41100 | |
41112 | United Nations Conference on Trade and Development | 41100 | |
41114 | United Nations Development Programme | 41100 | |
41116 | United Nations Environment Programme | 41100 | |
41119 | United Nations Population Fund | 41100 | |
41120 | United Nations Human Settlement Programme | 41100 | |
41121 | United Nations Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees | 41100 | |
41122 | United Nations Children’s Fund | 41100 | |
41123 | United Nations Industrial Development Organisation | 41100 | |
41124 (withdrawn) | United Nations Development Fund for Women | 41000 | |
41125 | United Nations Institute for Training and Research | 41100 | |
41126 | United Nations Mine Action Service | 41600 | |
41127 | United Nations Office of Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs | 41100 | |
41128 | United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime | 41300 | |
41129 | United Nations Research Institute for Social Development | 41100 | |
41130 | United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East | 41100 | |
41131 | United Nations System Staff College | 41100 | |
41132 | United Nations System Standing Committee on Nutrition | 41600 | |
41133 | United Nations Special Initiative on Africa | 41600 | |
41134 | United Nations University (including Endowment Fund) | 41100 | |
41135 | United Nations Volunteers | 41100 | |
41136 | United Nations Voluntary Fund on Disability | 41600 | |
41137 | United Nations Voluntary Fund for Technical Co-operation in the Field of Human Rights | 41600 | |
41138 | United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture | 41600 | |
41140 | World Food Programme | 41100 | |
41141 | United Nations Peacebuilding Fund | 41400 | |
41142 | United Nations Democracy Fund | 41600 | |
41143 | World Health Organisation - core voluntary contributions account | 41100 | |
41144 | International Labour Organisation - Regular Budget Supplementary Account | 41100 | |
41145 | International Maritime Organization - Technical Co-operation Fund | 41100 | |
41146 | United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women | 41100 | |
41147 | Central Emergency Response Fund | 41400 | |
41148 | United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, Trust Fund in Support of Political Affairs | 41500 | |
41149 | United Nations Development Coordination Office | 41100 | |
41150 | United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research | 41300 | |
41151 | International Agency for Research on Cancer | 41300 | |
41200 (withdrawn) | UN entities (core contributions reportable in TOSSD only) | 41000 | |
41300 | Other UN (Core Contributions Reportable in Part) | 41000 | |
41301 | Food and Agricultural Organisation | 41300 | |
41302 | International Labour Organisation - Assessed Contributions | 41300 | |
41303 | International Telecommunications Union | 41300 | |
41304 | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation | 41300 | |
41305 | United Nations | 41300 | |
41306 | Universal Postal Union | 41300 | |
41307 | World Health Organisation - assessed contributions | 41300 | |
41308 | World Intellectual Property Organisation | 41300 | |
41309 | World Meteorological Organisation | 41300 | |
41310 | United Nations Department of Peace Operations - UN peacekeeping operations [only MINURSO, MINUSCA, MINUSMA, MINUJUSTH, MONUSCO, UNAMID, UNIFIL, UNISFA, UNMIK, UNMIL, UNMISS, UNOCI]. Report contributions mission by mission in CRS++. | 41300 | |
41311 (withdrawn) | United Nations Peacebuilding Fund (Window One: Flexible Contributions Only) | 41000 | |
41312 | International Atomic Energy Agency - assessed contributions | 41300 | |
41313 | United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (extrabudgetary contributions only) | 41300 | |
41314 | United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (extrabudgetary contributions only) | 41300 | |
41315 | United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction | 41300 | |
41316 | United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change | 41300 | |
41317 | Green Climate Fund | 47000 | |
41318 | Global Mechanism | 41600 | |
41319 | World Tourism Organization | 41300 | |
41320 | Technology Bank for Least Developed Countries | 41100 | |
41321 | World Health Organisation - Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan | 41300 | |
41400 | UN inter-agency pooled funds | 41000 | |
41401 | UN-Multi Partner Trust Fund Office | 41400 | |
41402 | Joint Sustainable Development Goals Fund | 41400 | |
41403 | COVID-19 Response and Recovery Multi-Partner Trust Fund | 41400 | |
41500 | UN single-agency thematic funds | 41000 | |
41501 | United Nations Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation | 41400 | |
41502 | United Nations Office for Project Services | 41300 | |
41503 | UN-led Country-based Pooled Funds | 41400 | |
41600 | Existing UN channels not included in Standard I - UN entity- of the UN Data Cube reporting framework | Canaux existants de l’ONU non inclus dans la norme I - entité des Nations Unies - du cadre de reporting du cube de données de l’ONU | 41000 |
41700 (withdrawn) | UN entities, non-core contributions | 41000 | |
41701 | International Labour Organisation - non-core | 41700 | |
41702 | World Health Organisation - non-core | 41700 | |
42000 | European Union Institutions | 40000 | |
42001 | European Commission - Development Share of Budget | 42000 | |
42003 | European Commission - European Development Fund | 42000 | |
42004 | European Investment Bank | 42000 | |
42005 (withdrawn) | Facility for Euro-Mediterranean Investment and Partnership Trust Fund | 42000 | |
43000 | International Monetary Fund (IMF) | 40000 | |
43001 | International Monetary Fund - Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust | 43000 | |
43002 | International Monetary Fund - Poverty Reduction and Growth - Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Debt Relief Initiative Trust Fund [includes HIPC, Extended Credit Facility (ECF), and ECF-HIPC sub-accounts] | 43000 | |
43003 | International Monetary Fund - Subsidization of Emergency Post Conflict Assistance/Emergency Assistance for Natural Disasters for PRGT-eligible members | 43000 | |
43004 | International Monetary Fund - Poverty Reduction and Growth - Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative Trust | 43000 | |
43005 | International Monetary Fund - Post-Catastrophe Debt Relief Trust | 43000 | |
43006 | Catastrophe Containment and Relief Trust | 43000 | |
43007 | IMF’s Resilience and Sustainability Trust | 43000 | |
44000 | World Bank Group (WB) | 40000 | |
44001 | International Bank for Reconstruction and Development | 44000 | |
44002 | International Development Association | 44000 | |
44003 | International Development Association - Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Debt Initiative Trust Fund | 44000 | |
44004 | International Finance Corporation | 44000 | |
44005 | Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency | 44000 | |
44006 | Advance Market Commitments | 44000 | |
44007 | International Development Association - Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative | 44000 | |
44008 | Partnership for Market Implementation | 44000 | |
45000 | World Trade Organisation (WTO) | 40000 | |
45001 | World Trade Organisation - International Trade Centre | 41100 | |
45002 | World Trade Organisation - Advisory Centre on WTO Law | 41100 | |
45003 | World Trade Organisation - Doha Development Agenda Global Trust Fund | 41100 | |
46000 | Regional Development Banks | 40000 | |
46002 | African Development Bank | 46000 | |
46003 | African Development Fund | 46000 | |
46004 | Asian Development Bank | 46000 | |
46005 | Asian Development Fund | 46000 | |
46006 | Black Sea Trade and Development Bank | 46000 | |
46007 | Central American Bank for Economic Integration | 46000 | |
46008 | Development Bank of Latin America | 46000 | |
46009 | Caribbean Development Bank | 46000 | |
46012 | Inter-American Development Bank, Inter-American Investment Corporation and Multilateral Investment Fund | 46000 | |
46013 | Inter-American Development Bank, Fund for Special Operations | 46000 | |
46015 | European Bank for Reconstruction and Development | 46000 | |
46016 | European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - technical co-operation and special funds (ODA-eligible countries only) | 46000 | |
46017 | European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - technical co-operation and special funds (all EBRD countries of operations) | 46000 | |
46018 | European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - Early Transition Countries Fund | 46000 | |
46019 | European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - Western Balkans Joint Trust Fund | 46000 | |
46020 | Central African States Development Bank | 46000 | |
46021 | West African Development Bank | 46000 | |
46022 | African Export Import Bank | 46000 | |
46023 | Eastern and Southern African Trade and Development Bank | 46000 | |
46024 | Council of Europe Development Bank | 46000 | |
46025 | Islamic Development Bank | 46000 | |
46026 | Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank | 46000 | |
46027 | Financial Fund for the Development of the River Plate Basin | 46000 | |
47000 | Other multilateral institutions | 40000 | |
47001 | African Capacity Building Foundation | 47000 | |
47002 | Asian Productivity Organisation | 47000 | |
47003 | Association of South East Asian Nations: Economic Co-operation | 47000 | |
47004 (withdrawn) | ASEAN Cultural Fund | 47000 | |
47005 | African Union (excluding peacekeeping facilities) | 47000 | |
47008 | World Vegetable Centre | 51000 | |
47009 | African and Malagasy Council for Higher Education | 47000 | |
47010 | Commonwealth Agency for Public Administration and Management | 32000 | |
47011 | Caribbean Community Secretariat | 47000 | |
47012 | Caribbean Epidemiology Centre | 47000 | |
47013 | Commonwealth Foundation | 47000 | |
47014 (withdrawn) | Commonwealth Fund for Technical Co-operation | 47000 | |
47015 | CGIAR Fund | 47000 | |
47016 (withdrawn) | Commonwealth Institute | 47000 | |
47017 | International Centre for Tropical Agriculture | 51000 | |
47018 | Centre for International Forestry Research | 51000 | |
47019 | International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies | 47000 | |
47020 | International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre | 51000 | |
47021 | International Potato Centre | 51000 | |
47022 | Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna | 47000 | |
47023 (withdrawn) | Commonwealth Legal Advisory Service | 47000 | |
47024 (withdrawn) | Commonwealth Media Development Fund | 47000 | |
47025 | Commonwealth of Learning | 47000 | |
47026 | Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries | 47000 | |
47027 | Colombo Plan | 47000 | |
47028 | Commonwealth Partnership for Technical Management | 32000 | |
47029 | Sahel and West Africa Club | 47000 | |
47030 (withdrawn) | Commonwealth Scientific Council | 47000 | |
47031 (withdrawn) | Commonwealth Small States Office | 47000 | |
47032 (withdrawn) | Commonwealth Trade and Investment Access Facility | 47000 | |
47033 (withdrawn) | Commonwealth Youth Programme | 47000 | |
47034 | Economic Community of West African States | 47000 | |
47035 | Environmental Development Action in the Third World | 21000 | |
47036 | European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation | 47000 | |
47037 | Eastern-Regional Organisation of Public Administration | 47000 | |
47038 (withdrawn) | INTERPOL Fund for Aid and Technical Assistance to Developing Countries | 47000 | |
47040 | Forum Fisheries Agency | 47000 | |
47041 | Food and Fertilizer Technology Centre | 51000 | |
47042 | Foundation for International Training | 22000 | |
47043 | Global Crop Diversity Trust | 31000 | |
47044 | Global Environment Facility Trust Fund | 47000 | |
47045 | Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria | 47000 | |
47046 | International Organisation of the Francophonie | 47000 | |
47047 | International African Institute | 51000 | |
47048 (withdrawn) | Inter-American Indian Institute | 47000 | |
47049 (withdrawn) | International Bureau of Education - International Educational Reporting System (IERS) | 47000 | |
47050 | International Cotton Advisory Committee | 47000 | |
47051 | International Centre for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas | 51000 | |
47053 | International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh | 51000 | |
47054 | International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology | 51000 | |
47055 | International Centre for Development Oriented Research in Agriculture | 51000 | |
47056 | World AgroForestry Centre | 51000 | |
47057 | International Crop Research for Semi-Arid Tropics | 51000 | |
47058 | International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance | 47000 | |
47059 | International Development Law Organisation | 47000 | |
47060 (withdrawn) | International Institute for Cotton | 47000 | |
47061 | Inter-American Institute for Co-operation on Agriculture | 47000 | |
47062 | International Institute of Tropical Agriculture | 51000 | |
47063 | International Livestock Research Institute | 51000 | |
47064 | International Network for Bamboo and Rattan | 47000 | |
47065 | Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission | 41600 | |
47066 | International Organisation for Migration | 41100 | |
47067 | Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change | 47000 | |
47068 | Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission | 47000 | |
47069 | Bioversity International | 51000 | |
47070 | International Rice Research Institute | 51000 | |
47071 | International Seed Testing Association | 51000 | |
47073 | International Tropical Timber Organisation | 47000 | |
47074 | International Vaccine Institute | 47000 | |
47075 | International Water Management Institute | 51000 | |
47076 | Justice Studies Centre of the Americas | 47000 | |
47077 | Mekong River Commission | 47000 | |
47078 | Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol | 41600 | |
47079 | Organisation of American States | 47000 | |
47080 | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (Contributions to special funds for Technical Co-operation Activities Only) | 47000 | |
47081 | OECD Development Centre | 47000 | |
47082 | Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States | 47000 | |
47083 | Pan-American Health Organisation | 41100 | |
47084 | Pan-American Institute of Geography and History | 47000 | |
47085 (withdrawn) | Pan-American Railway Congress Association | 47000 | |
47086 | Private Infrastructure Development Group | 47000 | |
47087 | Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat | 47000 | |
47088 (withdrawn) | Relief Net | 47000 | |
47089 | Southern African Development Community | 47000 | |
47090 (withdrawn) | Southern African Transport and Communications Commission | 47000 | |
47091 (withdrawn) | (Colombo Plan) Special Commonwealth African Assistance Programme | 47000 | |
47092 | South East Asian Fisheries Development Centre | 47000 | |
47093 | South East Asian Ministers of Education | 47000 | |
47094 (withdrawn) | South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission | 47000 | |
47095 | Educational Quality and Assessment Programme | 47000 | |
47096 | Secretariat of the Pacific Community | 47000 | |
47097 | Pacific Regional Environment Programme | 47000 | |
47098 | Unrepresented Nations and Peoples’ Organisation | 47000 | |
47099 | University of the South Pacific | 51000 | |
47100 | West African Monetary Union | 47000 | |
47101 | Africa Rice Centre | 51000 | |
47102 (withdrawn) | World Customs Organisation Fellowship Programme | 47000 | |
47103 | World Maritime University | 51000 | |
47104 | WorldFish Centre | 51000 | |
47105 | Common Fund for Commodities | 47000 | |
47106 | Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces | 47000 | |
47107 | International Finance Facility for Immunisation | 47000 | |
47108 (withdrawn) | Multi-Country Demobilisation and Reintegration Program | 47000 | |
47109 | Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Support Fund (except contributions tied to counter-terrorism activities) | 47000 | |
47110 | Organisation of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation | 47000 | |
47111 | Adaptation Fund | 47000 | |
47112 | Central European Initiative - Special Fund for Climate and Environmental Protection | 47000 | |
47113 | Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa | 47000 | |
47114 | Asian Forest Cooperation Organisation | 47000 | |
47116 | Integrated Framework for Trade-Related Technical Assistance to Least Developed Countries | 47000 | |
47117 | New Partnership for Africa’s Development | 47000 | |
47118 | Regional Organisation for the Strengthening of Supreme Audit Institutions of Francophone Sub-Saharan Countries | 47000 | |
47119 | Sahara and Sahel Observatory | 47000 | |
47120 | South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation | 47000 | |
47121 | United Cities and Local Governments of Africa | 47000 | |
47122 | Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization | 47000 | |
47123 | Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining | 47000 | |
47124 | International Anti-Corruption Academy | 47000 | |
47125 | International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology | 47000 | |
47127 | Latin-American Energy Organisation | 47000 | |
47128 | Nordic Development Fund | 47000 | |
47129 | Global Environment Facility - Least Developed Countries Fund | 47000 | |
47130 | Global Environment Facility - Special Climate Change Fund | 47000 | |
47131 | Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe | 47000 | |
47132 | Commonwealth Secretariat (ODA-eligible contributions only) | 47000 | |
47134 | Clean Technology Fund | 47000 | |
47135 | Strategic Climate Fund | 47000 | |
47136 | Global Green Growth Institute | 47000 | |
47137 | African Risk Capacity Group | 47000 | |
47138 | Council of Europe | 47000 | |
47139 | World Customs Organization Customs Co-operation Fund | 47000 | |
47140 | Organisation of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture | 47000 | |
47141 | African Tax Administration Forum | 47000 | |
47142 | OPEC Fund for International Development | 47000 | |
47143 | Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund | 47000 | |
47144 | International Renewable Energy Agency | 47000 | |
47145 | Center of Excellence in Finance | 47000 | |
47146 | International Investment Bank | 47000 | |
47147 | International Finance Facility for Education | 47000 | |
47148 | World Organisation for Animal Health | 47000 | |
47149 | International Commission on Missing Persons | 47000 | |
47400 | European Space Agency (ESA) programme ‘Space in support of International Development Aid’ | 47000 | |
47501 | Global Partnership for Education | 47000 | |
47502 | Global Fund for Disaster Risk Reduction | 47000 | |
47503 | Global Agriculture and Food Security Program | 47000 | |
47504 | Forest Carbon Partnership Facility | 47000 | |
50000 (withdrawn) | Others | ||
51000 | University, college or other teaching institution, research institute or think-tank | 50000 | |
51001 | International Food Policy Research Institute | 51000 | |
52000 (withdrawn) | Other | 50000 | |
60000 | Private Sector Institutions | ||
61000 | Private sector in provider country | 60000 | |
61001 | Banks (deposit taking corporations) | 61000 | |
61002 (withdrawn) | Private exporter in provider country | 61000 | |
61003 | Investment funds and other collective investment institutions | 61000 | |
61004 | Holding companies, trusts and Special Purpose Vehicles | 61000 | |
61005 | Insurance Corporations | 61000 | |
61006 | Pension Funds | 61000 | |
61007 | Other financial corporations | 61000 | |
61008 | Exporters | 61000 | |
61009 | Other non-financial corporations | 61000 | |
61010 | Retail investors | 61000 | |
62000 | Private sector in recipient country | 60000 | |
62001 | Banks (deposit taking corporations except Micro Finance Institutions) | 62000 | |
62002 | Micro Finance Institutions (deposit and non-deposit) | 62000 | |
62003 | Investment funds and other collective investment institutions | 62000 | |
62004 | Holding companies, trusts and Special Purpose Vehicles | 62000 | |
62005 | Insurance Corporations | 62000 | |
62006 | Pension Funds | 62000 | |
62007 | Other financial corporations | 62000 | |
62008 | Importers/Exporters | 62000 | |
62009 | Other non-financial corporations | 62000 | |
62010 | Retail investors | 62000 | |
63000 | Private sector in third country | 60000 | |
63001 | Banks (deposit taking corporations except Micro Finance Institutions) | 63000 | |
63002 | Micro Finance Institutions (deposit and non-deposit) | 63000 | |
63003 | Investment funds and other collective investment institutions | 63000 | |
63004 | Holding companies, trusts and Special Purpose Vehicles | 63000 | |
63005 | Insurance Corporations | 63000 | |
63006 | Pension Funds | 63000 | |
63007 | Other financial corporations | 63000 | |
63008 | Exporters | 63000 | |
63009 | Other non-financial corporations | 63000 | |
63010 | Retail investors | 63000 | |
90000 | Other |