Non-functional Requirements
IATI has non-functional requirements (NFRs) for the production of IATI Core Software. They concern both the design and development of new components and also instances where existing components are moved to the new integrated platform, as defined by the IATI Technical Stocktake exercise of the summer of 2020.
IATI will use the NFRs when developing or procuring new IATI technical products. For example, Terms of Reference for future tools and software will include a section where NFRs can be specified.
IATI has adopted an industry standard model: the Product Quality Model (4.2) of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011 standard as our NFRs Framework. This model categorises system and software product quality properties into eight characteristics:
Functional suitability
Performance efficiency
When developing a new IATI technical product, requirements will be set across these categories, to help ensure that users experience a good quality service.